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year | business source |
2007 | ICI manufactures 8% of the adhesives bought in the world. | Les Echos |
2006 | ICI is the world's fourth-largest paintings and coatings manufacturer. | Les Echos |
country | address & contact : production type incentive source |
year name | photo position; compensation source |
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
2006 | 32000 -3000 | Internal restructuring: ICI will cut 8 per cent of its workforce over the next three years to make annual savings of £140m by 2011.: | The Independent |
2006 | -69 | Internal restructuring: Despido de 69 operarios en la planta local de la ex Duperial, que opera en la Argentina desde 1935. La mayoría de los productos de la empresa se colocan en el mercado interno, y actualmente además de su casa central en Capital y la sede en San Lorenzo, posee otra planta en la provincia de Mendoza.: Argentina | La Capital |
year | employees <> | social impact : country source |
year | country : consequences source |
2004 | Argentina : 30 tons of toxic waste were buried in Esacion Argentina in 1990: soil, ground water and drinking water are polluted | Greenpeace |
year | country : consequences source |
year | financial misdemeanor | sales | income | | | source |
2006 |
| | 0,57 | |   | billion Eu€ | |
2005 |
Pratiques anti-concurrentielles entre 1995 et 2000. Accusé par la Commission européenne d'entente sur le prix, d'échange d'informations commerciales, de partage de marché du méthacrylates, des composés thermoplastiques utilisés pour fabriquer des verres de sécurité et des plastiques transparents. |
| | | |   | | Les Echos |
2002 |
| 9,87 | 0,29 | |   | billion US$ | |
2001 |
| 8,36 | 0,18 | |   | billion US$ | |
2000 |
| 11,56 | -0,34 | |   | billion US$ | |
1999 |
| 11,62 | 0,41 | |   | billion US$ | |
1998 |
| 15,09 | 0,32 | |   | billion US$ | |
year | financial misdemeanor | sales | income | assets | buyback | source |
year | purpose : intermediary/lobby : institution source |
year | dubious practice : image source |
2001 | Arguable partnership: Forum for the Future: value: "Demonstrable commitment to the pursuit of sustainable development"; | The Guardian |