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Companies from Iraq

Foreign companies established in this country.

Economy, tax incentives & labor conditions

In addition to the many trade unionists who fell victim to untargeted violence, at least two trade union leaders were assassinated on account of their union activities and there were countless other violations of trade union rights. The authorities increased their interference. After taking control of trade union finances they decided to supervise all aspects of the trade union elections. No progress was made in introducing the new draft labour code. Old laws are still in force as a result, denying public sector workers the right to organise.
(ITUC-CSI , Suisse , 01/12/2007 , Annual Survey of violations of trade union rights )

Given the predominance of the public sector in Iraq, many workers are deprived of the right to organise. Sectors like banking, insurance, oil and others are overwhelmingly state-owned. Even industrial factories producing batteries or cement are very often state-owned.
(ITUC-CSI , Suisse , 01/12/2007 , Annual Survey of violations of trade union rights )

Main violations of the human rights and dirty money laundering
(year and company name)

2007 Xe ex-Blackwater
2007 Xe ex-Blackwater
2005 Thales
2005 Titan Corp

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