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Companies from Vietnam

Foreign companies established in this country.

Economy, tax incentives & labor conditions

The average wage of a laborer working in the textile industry is 0.46 euros an hour in Vietnam.
(Les Echos , France , 26/11/2008 )

Workers are not free to organise or join unions of their choosing. Any union formed must be approved by and affiliate with the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour, firmly controlled by the Communist Party, and operate under its umbrella.
(ITUC-CSI , Suisse , 01/12/2007 , Annual Survey of violations of trade union rights )

With a few notable exceptions, employers in the Export processing zones tend to ignore workers’ rights. Only about ten per cent of workers have long-term employment contracts. The remainder are on "definite term" contracts of between one to three years, or seasonal contracts of one year’s duration which are not legally permitted for a job which is "regular". Both types of contracts help employers avoid the legal requirement to set up a union in enterprises with ten employees or more.
(ITUC-CSI , Suisse , 01/12/2007 , Annual Survey of violations of trade union rights )

Minimum wage noted (US$/day)
(year, wage and name of the contracting company)

2008 3.2 US$/day at/for Nike Inc.
2002 0.67 US$/day at/for Adidas AG
2002 0.67 US$/day at/for Eddie Bauer Holdings, Inc ex-Spiegel, Inc
2002 0.67 US$/day at/for Reebok International Ltd.
1997 0.6 US$/day at/for Disney (Walt) Co.
1997 0.6 US$/day at/for McDonald's

Main labor right violations
(year, company name and norm number)

2006 Disney (Walt) Co. 1,26
2006 Hallmark Cards, Inc 1,26
2006 McDonald's 1,29
2006 Starbucks Corp 1,26
2003 IKEA 87, 98
2002 Adidas AG 29, 105, 138
2002 Reebok International Ltd. 100,111
1997 Disney (Walt) Co. 1
1997 McDonald's 1

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